Sunday, September 6, 2009

I want to fall into the Fall and never come out again Part 2

Here are some more fun photos from our trip:

Here are feathers I hid in my mom's hair during the drive. Meredith and I giggled for a while about it. Bwa ha ha she had no idea!!!

Here's me with my Dad

Here is Meredith, Hannah, Adam and my Dad.

I had plans this weekend (Labor Day) to visit my long time friend, Linda, in Nashville. Two weeks ago, she got a job for the semester in Guatemala. So my latest travels to DC and Virginia must last me a while longer. Traveling is so great. I mean really, soooo wonderful.

So over the summer, I'd been having a hard time concentrating on my job.

I'm just ready for a new challenge. For several reasons I knew this would mean a move. I didn't see myself working at one of the three hospitals in Gainesville was one. I would love to explore a different state. I would also love to be out of debt. Assuming many things (like I will still be here and the states will too-in the future) I'm putting the exploration on hold. I decided to start applying for jobs in the Tampa Bay area and my home of Pinellas County.

Upon my return from the family trip, I got an interview set up here. I made a list of must haves. I made a list of questions (for them). It was a night position which I didn't really want. I had come to terms with working nights short term if I had to to get the job I wanted. The floor is a medical surgical floor with an emphasis in oncology.

Allow me to say that I've never worked in oncology and it scares me.

So the interview was good, it had a good sense of community and it's in Tarpon Springs, which is a town I love. Not to mention that even though I grew up approx. 10 miles south of this area, I feel as if it's all completely new to me. Because it is.

The next week they called and offered me the job. Oh yea and a day position. Talk about God giving us the desires of our hearts. I could have cried. I accepted. I'm moving back in with my parents for a temporary amount of time. Then Rose and I are planning on living together. Oh I feel so grown up...and I'm getting tired thinking about it.

I'm VERY excited though. I don't really know what to expect over the next couple of months. I will be returning my leased vehicle and purchasing a beater with some savings (God help me). I'm getting rid of my desktop-finally, and getting a laptop. So many things will be changing around me, but those are just things.

So here I am, falling into Fall.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I want to fall into the Fall and never come out again Part 1

The Summer is over...FINALLY. It was looooooooong for me this year. You might be thinking I could have helped the time pass by blogging more frequently but I plead hot weather and a sluggish attitude.

Have you ever been walking on a sidewalk that randomly ends? Okay maybe not so random because from however many feet back you can see that it will end. This, however, does not change the fact that when you get there you're like "uhh I guess I'll walk in the grass now, or the road? or maybe I should just turn around?" I mean what exactly do the Path Pavers of America have planned for you then? These questions have been creeping up on my randomly starting and stopping sidewalk of a life this summer. What does God have for me next? What exactly am I doing? Why am I even asking these questions when I'm not sure I can handle the answers?

Well to catch you up this is what my summer consisted of:

I turned 24 and celebrated here with approximately 14 friends and family (which really surprised me considering I planned this at the last minute!). The evening was long and I learned (thanks to Jackie) that I'm the kind of gal people stay out late for on Tuesday nights. Here I am blowing out my pazookie cookie cake thingy. Yum.
I submerged myself into the world of Twilight only to resurface with a fresh perspective on those dwelling in the NW. Hmmm. While I was talking about reading these books, at lunch after church one Sunday, my friend Barry says " Oh my gosh you are the biggest nerd." Haha I absolutely LOVED the series.

I bought a new camera! I look forward to camera's coming with their own photographers one day. Maybe like a camera gnome to follow you around and remind you when it's an appropriate and important time to be capturing memories. I had a canon which I loved but I branched out and went with something new to me. It's small. It's black. It's hot. When I use it, it makes me want to talk with a southern twang and say things like "K gatha 'round now and let's shoot em (meaning pictures) all up." Having said that I guess it takes away from the sleek hot factor. I would like to advocate that being cheesy and hot is possible-I'll save this argument for another post.

I had a VERY girly weekend with these fine ladies.
Two of my very own highschool BFF's.
Risse, who is more fashion forward than I could ever hope to be, accompanied Liz and I in buying our very own Bump-It's. Sigh. I love being a girl.

I also went on a fast and furious 4 day trip to DC and VA with my parents, sister, brother in law and neice. All in the same car...yes that's right. Here are my parents in the chapel they were married in 33 years ago. They met in DC and I had such a great time learning more about their love story. I love my parents!

To be continued...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a GLORIOUS Day!!!!

Today I realized how much I relate to Rachel Ray.

And this cat...

... And this child

Indeed on this day that I found out I passed boards
I looked like this most of the day.

Ahhh what a glorious day indeed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I can't fall asleep

It's 1:34am. I work at 745am...ugh. I've been giving into naps lately and it's catching up with me. Oops. I just love a good nap, is that so wrong? Not to mention that my mind is racing at a million mph tonight AND once 1am rolls around it's been 7 hours since dinner, so my stomach starts growling. Now here I sit with some granola and this blog.

Check this out...pretty disturbing. I would expect this from Alabama or Texas but Arizona? Weird.

I'm contemplating jumping onto the Twilight bandwagon. Eh I just don't know how I feel about those sneaky vampires.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This weekend!

I'm SO EXCITED to see my best friend this weekend :-) :-) :-) Our plans are as follows:

*Drink wine
*lay shamelessly on the corduroy for hours
*watch a very cheesy feel good chick flick
*eat out at BJ's Brewery which I'm super excited about because I haven't been there yet
*...maybe drink more wine.

Are you here yet?

Monday, June 1, 2009

What the?

This ABC winner-of-a-show stole my idea for a new family reunion game. this FOR REAL?...........barf

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Who knew the handbag would give it away?

Picture this. I'm studying at the library yesterday very much to myself. Then comes this guy who sits right next to me when there are plenty of other seats available. I'm thinkin "Oh great I really want to get some studying done and here's this chat-it-up Charles who is obviously mistaking this library for a bar." So I'm trying not to look up because I know that as soon as I do he's going to say something. So I'm sticking to the plan and thinking about the plan and whether or not it will work.....crap....I'm not getting any studying done this way either. Sure enough he starts asking me questions.

Okay and one thing to keep in mind here is that I'm like a crack addict when it comes to socializing with people. I cannot nor do I wish to blow people off ever.

So here I am talking to this guy becoming genuinely interested in who he is and thinking to myself "maybe he could use some encouragement or maybe I should invite him to church." He proceeds to tell me that he knew I would be nice when he saw my handbag and that is why he sat next to me....oh and then casually throws in "oh yea your fingernails gave it away too." (if you're wondering, my nails are manicured and clean...plain? well yea I guess) Me- "So by my purse and nails you could tell I was nice?" Him- " Yea I could tell you were low maintenance."

To me this was so funny even though it is true. I am low maintenance by the worlds standards and I'm happy it shows. I just hope it doesn't come off as shabby or something. I hope none of my friends or family are secretly nominating me for What Not to Wear. If you think I need help with style will you tell me?
Life is Good

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I'm living in Gainesville in this time of transition as I wait for God to reveal the next step. Yea it's pretty sweet.