Saturday, May 30, 2009

Who knew the handbag would give it away?

Picture this. I'm studying at the library yesterday very much to myself. Then comes this guy who sits right next to me when there are plenty of other seats available. I'm thinkin "Oh great I really want to get some studying done and here's this chat-it-up Charles who is obviously mistaking this library for a bar." So I'm trying not to look up because I know that as soon as I do he's going to say something. So I'm sticking to the plan and thinking about the plan and whether or not it will work.....crap....I'm not getting any studying done this way either. Sure enough he starts asking me questions.

Okay and one thing to keep in mind here is that I'm like a crack addict when it comes to socializing with people. I cannot nor do I wish to blow people off ever.

So here I am talking to this guy becoming genuinely interested in who he is and thinking to myself "maybe he could use some encouragement or maybe I should invite him to church." He proceeds to tell me that he knew I would be nice when he saw my handbag and that is why he sat next to me....oh and then casually throws in "oh yea your fingernails gave it away too." (if you're wondering, my nails are manicured and clean...plain? well yea I guess) Me- "So by my purse and nails you could tell I was nice?" Him- " Yea I could tell you were low maintenance."

To me this was so funny even though it is true. I am low maintenance by the worlds standards and I'm happy it shows. I just hope it doesn't come off as shabby or something. I hope none of my friends or family are secretly nominating me for What Not to Wear. If you think I need help with style will you tell me?

Monday, May 25, 2009

One year ago...

I was just getting to know this little girl. My precious niece Hannah had just been born. This weekend we celebrated her first birthday. It was making me think about the last year and how my life has been changed by having her around. First of all it's still surreal to me sometimes that this is my sisters offspring. I was hesitant to be living with an infant at first; now I realize how special of an opportunity it's really been. When I've had a long day and I come home to her big smile (she always smiles at me!) it really helps keep things in perspective. Hannah has also helped me realize how much I really do want to be a mom. Not that I'm in a rush but motherhood is so awesome. It's another part of God's creation that I'm in awe of. I don't know how much longer I'll be living with Hannah but I think we will always have a special connection. Man oh man I love this girl!
Life is Good

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I'm living in Gainesville in this time of transition as I wait for God to reveal the next step. Yea it's pretty sweet.