Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a GLORIOUS Day!!!!

Today I realized how much I relate to Rachel Ray.

And this cat...

... And this child

Indeed on this day that I found out I passed boards
I looked like this most of the day.

Ahhh what a glorious day indeed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I can't fall asleep

It's 1:34am. I work at 745am...ugh. I've been giving into naps lately and it's catching up with me. Oops. I just love a good nap, is that so wrong? Not to mention that my mind is racing at a million mph tonight AND once 1am rolls around it's been 7 hours since dinner, so my stomach starts growling. Now here I sit with some granola and this blog.

Check this out...pretty disturbing. I would expect this from Alabama or Texas but Arizona? Weird.

I'm contemplating jumping onto the Twilight bandwagon. Eh I just don't know how I feel about those sneaky vampires.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This weekend!

I'm SO EXCITED to see my best friend this weekend :-) :-) :-) Our plans are as follows:

*Drink wine
*lay shamelessly on the corduroy for hours
*watch a very cheesy feel good chick flick
*eat out at BJ's Brewery which I'm super excited about because I haven't been there yet
*...maybe drink more wine.

Are you here yet?

Monday, June 1, 2009

What the?

This ABC winner-of-a-show stole my idea for a new family reunion game. this FOR REAL?...........barf
Life is Good

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I'm living in Gainesville in this time of transition as I wait for God to reveal the next step. Yea it's pretty sweet.